About Us

LatexDrugs was created in early 2003 because there wasn't an efficient way to investigate pharmaceutical latex content and the incidence of latex allergic patients is increasing. 2RPh, founded by pharmacists Aaron Blevins and Robert Nelson, is the company that owns and operates LatexDrugs.com and is located in the Huntington, WV area. 2RPh is a small company that focuses on developing great products and resources that will benefit the pharmacy profession. LatexDrugs and its database continues to be operated and maintained by institutional pharmacists including Aaron and Rob. We look forward to speaking with you and continually improving the resource for our subscribers.

Contact Information

One major advantage to our site is that it is solely operated by pharmacists, however, we have other primary jobs. Please understand that we do not staff a customer service phone number, but would be glad to speak with you. We take pride in responding to your questions very promptly. Your feedback is very important to us. Thank you.

If your question cannot be answered on our "Frequently Asked Questions" page, please feel free to contact us at any time.

General Information: info@latexdrugs.com
Lost Username/Password: registrar@latexdrugs.com
Report Errors: Form
Website Disclaimer: Disclaimer
Business Relations: admin@latexdrugs.com
or Mail: LatexDrugs
P.O. Box 741

Hurricane, WV 25526