Now it can be very fast. With thousands of drugs on record,
our database offers the premier resource concerning latex content
in pharmaceutical products. LatexDrugs was created in 2003 by pharmacists
so that healthcare professionals could gather latex content information
in a quick and efficient manner. We simply could not find an effective
way to gather the necessary information, so we developed LatexDrugs
to fill the void.
- All information
is supplied directly from pharmaceutical manufacturer documentation.
- All information
is linked to the manufacturer's contact information for easy follow-up
and increased reliability.
- All data
is entered, reviewed, and updated by a team of pharmacists.
- Every pharmaceutical
product is reviewed for accuracy on a regular basis. If our data
cannot be confirmed, we delete the product from our database.
- Information can be accessed on a 24/7 basis. You do not have to wait for M-F,
9am-5pm to get your answer.
- Search functionality
is simple and very fast.
feel free to try out a portion of our database via Guest
No more paper
- Consider
all the time it takes to gather latex information from manufacturers
for a paper file.
- How much
time is lost sifting through all of the files for a particular
- There is
an increased chance of misinterpretation of the information when
using a paper file due to the different ways pharmaceutical companies
present their data.
- Is the information
still accurate if the information is several years old?
We have needed this resource for years.
As the amount of patients whom claim a sensitivity to latex grows,
our database will become your greatest resource. In addition, LatexDrugs
is an extremely useful way to show The Joint Commission that you are taking extra
strides to protect your patients. Make our database an integral
part of your latex protocol.